Coconut Recipes
Get inspired in the kitchen!
Enjoy a delicious coconut cake that tastes as good as it looks! In this recipe, we’ll be using coconut products to create a cake...
Creamy ice cream with a rich coconut flavor. A sweet treat that any coconut lover would enjoy. And no one ever knows it’s dairy free! It’s...
Crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle, a good coconut macaroon is an irresistible thing. It’s also a particular favorite for people...
Crunchy and addictive, these easy maple coconut chips are gluten-free and vegan and make for the perfect snack. Slightly sweetened with...
What better way to start the day than with some Coco pancakes. Enjoy a delicious breakfast with a touch of milk and coconut zest. For this...
Caribbean cocktails are a great treat for most, but contain too much sugar due to sugary juices and liqueurs. However, that is not the case...
Atole is a traditional Mexican drink. The drink is often served for breakfast or as an after dinner snack. Its consistency reminds us of a...
Coconut water is a great way to quench your thirst. But did you also know that it’s delicious in a whisky highball? Unlike the heavier...
This recipe is an instant classic, it has the perfect balance of flavor, and the best thing is that it is super easy to make. This rice is...
If you are a coconut lover, then this recipe is for you. A good coconut bar with peanut butter is the perfect match for a healthy snack...
Imagine that you had a hard day at work, the traffic was horrible, there’s no light in your apartment because of a storm. So, you...
Whipped frozen lemonade combines the creaminess of a milkshake with the thirst-quenching tanginess of freshly squeezed lemonade for an...
Coconut Lentils with Rice is a traditional Colombian rice recipe and if you follow this blog, you know that I use coconut milk in a lot of...
Strawberry Coconut Water Lemonade is a sweet-tart summery drink made with fresh strawberries, lemons, and coconut water. Easy and...
This easy no-fuss frozen dessert recipe for ghostly white coconut pops is the perfect treat to cool off on Halloween! Ingredients 1 can...
These adorable coconut covered banana popsicles are a great choice for this Halloween! Baby bananas are a great option here, due to their...
You only need a handful of ingredients to prepare this delicious coconut cocktail. Make this refreshing drink for a reunion with your...
Creamy, thick coconut milk hot chocolate. A better for you version made with real ingredients from scratch. Perfect to cozy up with when the...